
Minutes of the meeting held on 11th May 2021

Minutes Uploaded on July 27, 2021

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held in Matfen Village Hall on Tuesday 11th May 2021 following the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00pm.


Present:  Mr Stuart Mills, Chairman (outgoing) of the Council together with Mr Frank Robson, Keith Mavin, Kevin George and Justin Dempsey.  Co-opted:  James Barber and Sarah Greaves.

In attendance: Mrs Mandy Senior (Clerk)


0521.01  ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN.  It was proposed by Cllr F Robson, seconded by Cllr Mr J Dempsey and AGREED to elect Cllr K Mavin as Chairman, Cllr K Mavin accepted and took the Chair. Stuart Mills then left the meeting.

0521.02  TO RECEIVE THE CHAIRMAN’S DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE.  Cllr K Mavin signed his   declaration of acceptance of office in the presence of the Clerk.

0521.03  TO RECEIVE COUNCILLORS’ DECLARATIONS OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE.  All councillors present signed their declarations of acceptance of office in the presence of the Clerk.

0521.04  TO CONSIDER CO-OPTION TO FILL TWO VACANCIES.  It was proposed by Cllr K Mavin, seconded by     Cllr J Dempsey and AGREED to co-opt James Barber.  Cllr J Barber then signed his declaration of acceptance of office in the presence of the Clerk.  It was then proposed by Cllr K Mavin, seconded by Cllr J   Dempsey and AGREED to co-opt Sarah Greaves.  Cllr Mrs S Greaves signed her declaration of acceptance   of office in the presence of the Clerk.

0521.05  RESIDENTS. Nothing to report.

0521.06  APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE.  None received.

0521.07  DECLARATION OF INTEREST.  All councillors completed their declaration of interest forms.

0521.08  COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT. Cllr Mrs V Jones was unable to attend the meeting and no report was available.

0521.09  MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 30th March 2021.  It was proposed by Cllr F Robson, seconded by Cllr K George and AGREED to accept the minutes as an accurate record.


a)     Street Lighting.  Minute 0321.04a refers.  The additional columns are still to be installed.  Details of properties affected by the new LED conversions had been passed to NCC.  Baffles will be fitted to the lights in due course to stop the glare into those properties affected.

b)     Refurbished bench.  Minute 0321.06b refers.  The bench had been refurbished and placed on the village green.  Mr Chaffer had offered to do the same with the bench in the Jubilee garden.  Thanks were passed to Mr Chaffer who was present.

c)      Repairs to White Bridge.  Minute 0321.06d refers.  The clerk continues to pursue Northumbrian Water for a permanent repair.

d)     Public Toilets.  Minute 0321.06e refers.  It was agreed to reopen the public toilets after 21st June when the final restrictions should be lifted.  The clerk had contacted the cleaner who is happy to continue to clean them when they reopen.

e)     Parking in Ingoe.  Minute 0321.10b refers.  It was agreed to review the parking situation in Ingoe once all Covid restrictions have been lifted.  All residents from Ingoe who had contacted regarding the parking will be emailed to advise of this.

0521.11  FINANCE

a)     ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT.  It was proposed by Cllr F Robson, seconded by Cllr J Dempsey and AGREED accounts on the list attached be paid.

Payee Detail Cheque Issued VAT Net of VAT Cheque Number
Great North Air Ambulance Donation 25.00 25.00 101163
P Chaffer Purchase of refurbished bench 35.00 35.00 101164
Mrs A Senior Clerical services 469.23 469.23 101165
H M Revenue and Customs PAYE 117.20 117.20 101166
Unity Trust Bank Transfer to new account 500.00 500.00 101167
Mrs A Senior Play area inspections 75.00 75.00 101168
Northumberland Assoc of Local Councils Subscription 2021 145.22 145.22 101169


Unity Trust Bank Closure of Barclays accounts to new Unity Trust accounts 14857.22 14857.22 101170
J C Accountants Internal audit fee 38.40 6.40 32.00 300001
Northumberland CC Precept payment 5250.00 5250.00 09.04.21


b)     To accept and approve the Annual Internal Audit Report 2020-21.  It was proposed by Cllr F Robson, seconded by Cllr J Dempsey and AGREED to accept and approve the Annual Internal Audit Report 2020-2021, previously circulated.

c)      To accept and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2020-21.  It was proposed by Cllr F Robson, seconded by Cllr J Dempsey and AGREED to accept and approve the Annual Internal Audit Report 2020-2021, previously circulated.

d)     To accept and approve the Accounting Statements 2020-2021 including Explanation of Variances, Bank Reconciliation and Asset Register.  It was proposed by Cllr F Robson, seconded by Cllr J Dempsey and AGREED to accept and approve the Annual Internal Audit Report 2020-2021, previously circulated.

0521.13  CORRESPONDENCE.  All correspondence received since the March  meeting had been listed on the agenda and circulated to all councillors.

a)     Northumberland Respect Campaign.  Northumberland are expecting to see increasing numbers of visitors during the next few weeks/months.  Northumberland CC have created a campaign which asks everyone out and about to respect the countryside and towns.  The strapline is LIVE IT, LOVE IT, LEAVE IT UNSPOILT.

b)     Unity Trust Bank.  The two new bank accounts are now open and arrangements are being made       for all signatories to have online access.  Arrangements will be made for the Barclays Bank Accounts to be closed and the balances transferred to the new Unity Trust accounts.

c)      COVID RESPONSE.  It was noted that a new mass Vaccination Centre is to open at Hexham Mart next week.  Also Northumberland County Council will be visiting Matfen on Wednesday 19 May and Wednesday 2 June to give out lateral flow testing kits and testing advice to residents.  The van with a gazebo will the outside the Village Hall and shop from 9am – 10.30am on both days.  Information had been placed on the Village Facebook page and the Parish Council website.

d)     Northumberland Association of Local Councils.  NALC has several training sessions over the coming weeks.  The information will be sent to all councillors.


Reference Number Address Description
21/00677/FUL Land west of Rose Cottage, Kearsley Farm, Ingoe Conversion of poultry building to create 3no private dwellings together with 3no sewage treatment plants and access track.
21/01153/FUL Woodside, Matfen Construction of new porch roof and front door
21/00471/VARYCO West Fenwick Farm, Main Road, Fenwick Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on approved application CM/20090477 in order to vary design
21/01328/FUL Fenwick Towers Cottage, Fenwick Detached garage, gym and bedroom suite with glazed link



a)     To consider proposal for improvements to the Jubilee Garden.  Several residents had emailed the Parish Council complaining about the plans to improve the Jubilee Garden.  Cllr J Dempsey advised that he had spoken to NCC’s Ecologist and there were several areas to consider; Bat roosting potential in the trees, consider putting up bird boxes in other areas; replant native species that will attract wildlife.  NCC Ecologist would be happy to come out to discuss the plans.  It was agreed that a tree survey is needed which would include the trees on the village green in Matfen and Ingoe and the trees in the Jubilee Garden.  Cllr J Barber to pass details of company who can carry out a tree survey to the clerk who will make contact.

b)     No 74 Bus Service.  It was noted that Go North East had been using smaller vehicles and had caused problems for residents travelling from Stamfordham to Matfen.  It was AGREED to contact Go North East and highlight that now restrictions are lifting if they could consider reinstating the larger vehicles.

c)      Grass verges in Ingoe.  Cllr S Greaves asked if the Parish Council could look at the verges in the Parish and identify areas which can be left to grow as wildflower areas to attract wildlife.  It was agreed to look at this in more detail and start with some small areas first.

d)     Matfen Hall. It was noted that due to Matfen Hall carrying out refurbishment works, the car park was closed off and all trades vehicles and staff were parked on the road opposite the hall entrance from the bridge to the Great Whittington junction and along the quarry road.  It was hoped that this would be resolved when Matfen Hall reopens on 17th May.  Unfortunately, Matfen Hall had not advised the village that this work would be happening.  Cllr K Mavin is to contact Matfen Hall to introduce himself and see if we can improve communication between the Hall and the village.  It was suggested that once the Hall is reopen a walking map could be produced showing the official routes through the grounds.

0521.16  ANY OTHER BUSINESS [FOR INFORMATION ONLY].  It was agreed to place the following items on the      agenda for the July meeting; improve communication within the village/parish; look at information for the website and gallery; maintenance plan for Parish Council assets.

0521.17  DATE OF NEXT MEETING.  The next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 27th July 2021 at 7.00pm in Matfen Village Hall.