
2020-06 June – Minutes

Minutes Uploaded on April 6, 2021

MINUTES OF THE ONLINE MEETING OF MATFEN PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY 2 JUNE 2020 AT 7.00PM        PRESENT:  Cllr Stuart Mills, Chairman of the Council together with Mrs Ann Gregory Smith,  Chris Austin, Keith         Irving and Keith Mavin.

In attendance:   Mrs M Senior, Clerk to the Council

620.01   APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr F Robson


620.03  TO RECEIVE ANY FURTHER COMMENTS RECEIVED FROM THE PLAY AREA CONSULTATION.  As the         Question and Answer session due to be held on 4th April was cancelled due to the current Covid 19 crisis the   Parish Council asked for any further comments or questions to be sent to them by 29th May 2020.  All comments received for and against the proposal were considered and the Parish  Council felt that all health and safety issues raised had been risk assessed and the area of the proposed play area found to be a safe location.  It was noted that 70% of the consultation forms returned were in favour of the project and the equipment proposed.

620.04  TO DISCUSS AND AGREE NEXT STEPS FOR THE PROPOSED PLAY AREA ON MATFEN VILLAGE GREEN.  After a lengthy discussion, it was AGREED to proceed with the plans for the plan area as detailed in Quote SQ210766-1 from Kompan and quote 11732-01 from R H Irving Industrials Ltd.  The total cost of the project is £24,563.40.  The Parish Council AGREED their contribution of £15,000 with the remainder of the    cost being funded by the Pocket Parks Grant of £10,059.  Part of the Pocket Parks Grant is to be used for an external evaluation at the end of the project.  It was also AGREED that the play area on the village green  should be part screened by trees to reduce the impact of the equipment.  Some of the larger trees on the village green need to be trimmed back and Matfen Estates had kindly agreed to do this on behalf of the Parish  Council.  Action:  Cllrs S Mills and K Mavin to progress and produce a timeline for delivery of the project.

620.05  DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING.  The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 28th July 2020 at 7.00pm.  It is     expected that the July meeting will also be held online.  The link will be circulated and made available to all   7 days before the meeting.